Online cursus

GMP Awareness (EN)

GMP Awareness (EN)

GMP Awareness (EN)

Type cursus

Online cursus


30 - 45 min.


€ 65,-
E-les GMP Awareness

Target audience

  • This course is recommended  for everyone involved in GMP guidelines.
  • This is a MBO course, which means that no specific prior education is required.


The aim of this course is to make you become aware of the fact that you are working with medicinal products. In this working area, specific rules and regulations apply and it is essential that the work is done in accordance with procedures. GMP-rules; everyone involved in the production of medicinal products should know these rules and should be able to apply them.


  • Basic knowledge about medicinal products
  • The patient and the quality of medicinal products
  • The pharmaceutical industry
  • The manufacture of a medicinal product
  • Code of conduct in the pharmaceutical industry

Learning objectives

Please click here to see the learning objectives


No, there is no test required for this course. Upon completion of the course, a certificate will be provided.

Average study time

It takes  30 – 45 minutes to complete this course.


English (Nederlandse versie? Klik hier)

Volume discount

We have reduced rates for multiple participants per company. Please visit our contact page and request an offer.

Wij bieden ook live trainingen aan

Met veel zorg en aandacht ontwikkelen wij trainingen op het gebied van kwaliteitszorg, Goede Manieren van Produceren (GMP) en Goede Distributie Praktijken (GDP). Onze trainingen zijn up-to-date met de laatste regelgeving en trends. Kwaliteit en praktijkgerichtheid staat voorop. Wij organiseren deze trainingen op onze eigen trainingslocatie in Hoevelaken. Veel van deze trainingen kunnen wij ook extern verzorgen.


Bekijk hier de antwoorden op veel gestelde vragen.

Algemene voorwaarden

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